Hello Lovelies!!
So tomorrow is my 3 years Wedding Anniversary!! My goodness how time flies...
I still remember when we both started dating. I want to add a page to my blog called "our love story" but I want it to be from my perspective and one from his, and of course he has not written his yet. But I'll tell him he needs to get on it!
We have been together for a total of 6 years! Thats a long time my friends.
Here goes a short summary of how we came to be together... If you dont like reading I recommend you skip to the bottom and look at the pretty pictures :)
Renan and I first met on a Saturday morning at church {March, 2000} I remember thinking he was American because every time I was around him I only heard him speaking English which I knew nothing about! and I was only 9 so I didnt think much of him.
As years went by Renan wasnt a big part of my life, I dont remember him the first 2 years that I lived here. My memories of Renan starts when I was 12. He would always make fun of me, running away with my hats, calling me fat. I hated him!
At 13 I started growing out of my chubby phase and started dating his best friend! and he liked my best friend. We werent close friends but I would talk to him every once in a while. I dated his friend for approximately 2 years and he dated other girls.
In January 2005 my boyfriend {his best friend} left to Brazil and we broke up. I still didnt look at Renan that way until my mom pointed out that he was really cute. So I started thinking "hmmm he really isnt all that bad" so we started talking and May 13 2005 we started dating.
We dated for 2 years and in December 25 2007 {Christmas DAY} he broke up with me. We didnt talk for 6 months, I didnt even want to look at his face. One lovely Sunday morning I was at the beach with my friends and he shows up with his, I didnt talk to him like usual but after we both went to a friends house.
In the middle of the movie I was watching, I get a text from him asking me to come outside. He tells me that he made such a big mistake and he loved me and all that gooey stuff and a week or 2 later we start dating again {this was some time in May 2008}
In June we find out my dad bought tickets to Brazil because we were moving back in August. This happened so quickly, We had just started dating. So when Renan said Lets get married I wasnt even 18 yet! I thought he was crazzyyyy but his dad didnt, he was totally on board with the whole idea.
Well, we looked at rings together, I picked out my favorite one and what seemed like a blink of an eye I was engaged to get married at the age of 17!
Everyone thought I had lost my mind of course. Mostly my friends from school, our family knew how much we loved each other they were just worried about the finacial part. 6 Months went by and December 7 2008 we got married! in February my parents and sisters left to Brazil.
The first year was very hard on us. I was still in High school and Renan was working and going to college, first time in my life that I was far away from my parents, and his dad had to help us financially....
3 years later, here we are.
Financially stable, and most importantly Happily married, at the ages of 21 and 22! yayy!!! hehehe
I guess that wasnt such a short summary huh? here goes some pictures from our engagement dinner, wedding, and honeymoon :)

Our engagement dinner
The wedding!
We spent out honeymoon in Keystone Colorado.
I think thats enough pictures for today! hehe
Have a great Tuesday loves!