Get Inspired

Hi Pretties!!

Everyday I walk by my couch and think about how buying it was such a stupid mistake, not because I dont like it but because its really light, and its microfiber {it gets dirty very easily}For a girl with only one living room that wasnt a very smart thing to do... Anyways I was going to get my couch washed next week and the cheapest I found was $70 BUT yesterday while I was on pinterest I found this!! She cleans her couch using rubbing alcohol and a sponge. Well I tried it, and it worked! I'm still not satisfied though but i'll wait a little before I decide to clean it professionally.

My friend Delfina from My Green Nest has a beautiful home that's so spacious, has so much natural light coming in and I always loved coming over her house. Recently she made a few changes to her home that I was in shock how amazing it looked and I just thought I HAD to share with you guys. Her and her husband Danny have amazing taste, and you can deff see it when you walk in their home.

This is her bedroom... GORGEOUS!

Go here to see what she did with this white wall!

Hope you get inspired by their amazing taste! I know I am :)

Happy Tuesday Lovelies! 


  1. Wow that bedroom is gorgeous! I love all of those frames on the wall! Good to know about that little couch trick!

  2. Hello! I guess you could say I'm a blog stalker a little... but I just read this post and HAD to comment! I love love love the inspiration you were talking about, that dark wood is beautiful :)

  3. Love those pretty frames! Especially against that gorgeous gray wall!

  4. :D good luck with the couch cleaning gorgeous!

    and I saw her pictures because i follow her
    and her house looks amazing!

    :) Can't wait to see what your finished
    product will be <3


  5. I have a microfiber couch too and I hate it. We did scotch guard it so it cleans up well, but it never looks nice.


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